Dal 14 al 16 settembre si è svolto a Modena il Festival Filosofia 2012. Il tema di questa edizione era "Le Cose" e mai come in questo periodo è risultato azzeccato. Perché oggi giorno (molto più di ieri) sono le cose a determinare molteplici aspetti della nostra vita.
180.000 presenze quest'anno per un festival che ha posto sul piatto (come ogni anno) un programma a prima vista spesso non così alla portata di tutti. Modena, Sassuolo e Carpi colpita dal sisma hanno fatto il pienone, sono state all'altezza dello tsunami di persone nonostante qualche perplessità sulla possibilità che, dopo il 29 maggio, la zona fosse in grado di ospitare un simile evento. Ma la voglia c'era, i volontari pure e i filosofi anche. Il resto lo ha messo la partecipazione popolare. Stare qui ora a spiegarvi cosa è stato detto e come non ha senso, richiederebbe pagine e pagine ed esiste un sito del festival e articoli di giornale che lo fanno molto meglio.
Quello che però posso fare è cercare di raccontarvi il contorno. Piccoli episodi, come quello del mio amico che gestisce un B&B che mi raccontava di come avesse fatto tutto esaurito e di quei ragazzi venuti dalla Puglia che quando gli hanno chiesto cosa ci fosse da fare a Modena al suo elenco di pub e locali hanno risposto che no, loro volevano musei, biblioteche, cultura. E allora c'è speranza. E di più, la cultura paga e ripaga, in barba a quelli che si ostinano a vederla come una zavorra inutile nel paese. La cultura crea indotto, genera profitti e muove l'economia. Venite a chiederlo ai modenesi.
Ora applichiamo il discorso al formare cultura (nel suo concetto più ampio e generale), o meglio a formare competenze culturali di alto spessore. Solo chi non vuole vedere può negare.
Ecco, ripartiamo da qui, dalle Cose, quelle che contano, davvero.
Matteo Castellani Tarabini | contepaz83
Photo credit: Emanuela Carabelli
#Festivalfilo12: let's start again from the things that matter, from the culture that pays
From the 14th to the 16th September the Festival of Philosophy 2012 was held in Modena. The topic of this edition was "The things" and never before the title would have been more appropriate. Because nowadays (much more than yesterday), it's the things that determine multiple aspects of our lives.
It's things that the market makes us buy, it's the things that lose their lengthy intergenerational role because now we get used to disposable consumism, it's things that aren't there anymore, have been destroyed, just like the houses, or have remained buried by other things during the earthquake. It's the factories, the bell towers. But the things are also the ones that have survived, those to which we remain tied, the things are those that can be rebuild. And there in the creases, among the screws, the bolts and the bricks, the ruins, among dolls and fridges and old furniture the philosophy, sociology and antropology unfold in telling us the things, and how we live or lived things, or with things.
180.000 people this year for a festival that has offered (like every year) a program that might initially not seem easy to handle for everyone. Modena, Sassuolo and Carpi hit by the earthquake have been full, have been up to par for the tsunami of people despite a few perplexities on the possibility that, after the 29th of May, the area would be capable of hosting such an event. But the willingness was there, the volunteers and philosophers were also there. The rest was provided by popular participation. Sitting here and trying to explain what was said and how would require pages after pages and there's already a festival website and newspaper articles that to that much better already.
What I can do is try to tell you about the surroundings. Small episodes, just as the one my friend who manages a B&B told me about, of how he was sold out and of those young people from Puglia who asked what there was to do in Modena and after his list of pubs and discos they said that no, they wanted museums, libraries, culture. That means there is hope. And more, culture pays and repays, despite those that keep looking upon it as if it were a useless anchor for the country. Culture creates satellite industries, generates profit and moves economy. Come ask the Modenese.
And from the culture you can start over, you must continue if it's true that from September to October in the earthquake triangle two huge cultural events have taken place, such as the Literature Festival in Mantova and the Philosophy Festival in Modena, while in October there will be the Internazionale Festival in Ferrara. If we look at the attendees, the answer that comes naturally is that people want culture and is willing to pay if it's top quality (in Mantova many events require a fee). And all of this just to participate and listen. And then there's the culture to preserve, the culture to renovate and that is falling apart, things that people from all over the world come and pay to see (if we don't move quickly, we might say came).
Now let's apply the matter to forming culture (in the widest and most general concept), or better form cultural competences of high level. Only those who don't want to see can deny.
So, let's start again from here, from things, the ones that matter for real.
Matteo Castellani Tarabini | contepaz83
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